Welcome to
Vy Tran's World!
(Note:Read everything or you might miss
something important)
there! Do you want to know about my world? If
you do, then here's your golden opportunity!
can find out about my family and some great relatives and more! If you like
my site,
now have a Chat Room for my site. Hope you enjoy chatting! Go to the Sailor
Moon area by clicking
on the picture of the
Scouts Group below. I
now have adopted Sailor Scouts! Scroll down and click the hyperlink to see them.
I might
my layout soon. I have an award that was sent to me by the cayacia a long time
ago. Thanks the cayacia
cousin is working on a webiste. When she uploads it I will post her website
URL up. I'm sorry I haven't made
lately. I have been busy with school. I'm only a fifth grader now. I used to
constantly work on my website
the summer. Expect some big changes over the next year! I
have fixed the animated Sailor Moon Gif's.
your stay here! Only 5 cents an hour. JUST KIDDING!!! Your stay here is free.
Once again, ENJOY YOUR STAY here at Vy Tran's World!
(note: am I a stinker or what? hahaha!)

My Family
About Me
My Poems and Stories
Sailor Moon
Sailor Scout Links Index
Adopted Sailor Scouts
Animated Sailor Moon Gif's
Sign My Dreambook
My Dreambook
suggestions or ideas,
email me!!!
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to visit my webpage